Saturday, November 9, 2013

Stick-shift mode

I found myself in "stick-shift" mode this week. It all started with a cancelled (last) train. Between being exposed to the dark-cold night, 2 bumpy buses lasting 2+ hours with AC blasting, and more waiting for a ride, the commute took 4 hours. The next day, my back decided to give out leaving me immobilized for hours. So I decided to bust out an old walking stick I had found many years ago!

Compared to bigger problems of others, mine is nothing. A brother-in-Christ will undergo major brain surgery next week, possibly staying in the hospital for months to recover. How about news of the Catastrophic Destruction due to typhoon in the Philippines where thousands are dead?

It's moments like these, and always, we need to turn to God and ask for His mercies. Not that they are absent, but because we don't pray enough, especially when we are spared from troubles. May the Lord Almighty, Sovereign and loving, God of the universe, move humanity closer to Him by the caring, sharing and yes, praying of one another, lifting each other up to Him, who is our Hope, our Light, and our Eternal Savior. Amen.

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