Monday, April 7, 2014

Thy Face Seek They Be

Lord, take me to a place,
of loneness I with thee;
To show me thy portion,
of this life thus far.
The folly in which I swim,
my toil in ardor aroused;
Thy banner I labor under,
Ah, question me my motive.
Lord, rage me with thy fire.
Burn me with thy glare;
Puncture deep my pride,
To inflate me with thy Spirit.
Convict me to solemnity,
O, hold me, clasp me,
Initiate me to near thee.
Make worthy my service,
Thrust me to strive forth;
Strike me, dear Lord, smite me,
Harshly as it might be.
So in me they shall chance see,
Thy face seek they be.