There is a house in the neighborhood where I grew up that has a fence around it. There are 3 ways to access the property. A large main gate that leads to the driveway and front door, a small gate that leads through the side of the house, and an area where one one would have to cross a small stream, walk through messy and muddy dirt where chicken and ducks were raised.
My favorite point of access was the messy and muddy soil simply because it was more adventurous and fun to watch the animals scatter with fear.
The point of my story is, even though Jesus described the 2 gates, most fail to even go near either gates. They remain on the "road that leads to destruction". I had chicken and ducks droppings and dirty mud stuck to my shoes and my neighbor would not welcome me into their home. But if I choose to walk through the narrow gates of redemption, no matter how filthy of a past I bring, Jesus welcomes me with open arms, cleanse me with His mercy, and clothe me with His love.
And it's not all about gates, but the WAY we live our lives. Lives that experience true joy are lives satisfied with the Lord Himself, "as with the riches of foods" (Psalm 63:5). For we know no matter how gourmet or exquisite the meal of this world offers, we will go hungry and thirsty. Nothing can satisfy and having God (not just knowing Him), is much more than enough.
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