Saturday, August 31, 2013

On Creation ...

Creation speaks of the creativity and creatability of its Creator. We know this when we discover and examine the amazing work of His hands. Why then do we, also His creation, do just the opposite? Is it because no other created thing or being was anointed with the level of intelligence, elegance and eloquence to judge us? Is it because authority was given to us to rule instead of being subject to? Is it because He breathed life into us, personally named us, planted gardens, raised animals, and dug springs to nourish us, and even kept us company and when we fell, incarnate himself exclusively and specifically to redeem us? Why then do we question, doubt and devote a lifetime of study and research to discount, distort and even dismiss His sovereignty? Yes, may we not hover endlessly but be led into the rest of the Book.

Literary or Chronological

The message that is clearly conveyed here is one that expresses human resolve that mere mortals can never reach the level of complete understanding of creation but must lean towards impartial submission to a super naturalistic Creator. In essence, books that we read today and articles either by traditional or contemporary writers, no matter the sincerity, truth remains un-mined in Scripture. Divine truth is too immense for human minds to fathom but humans ought to grasp truth as it is and confront it with faith. Pure faith. Resting faith. Empowering faith. No, we are not being denied knowledge but we are given permission to be inconclusive in our attempts to scrutinize creation scientifically. “Knowledge is power” says the world, but what is knowledge other than foolishness to God (1 Corinthians 3:19). Neither are we left with a void and to concede that our pursuit of knowing God is vanity. Origins is designed with continuum in mind. God’s plan which is of absolute order is for us to be in that order and live by his complete Word which is to be our spiritual oxygen to simply appreciate, yes, appreciate and adore the glory of his provision. Literary or chronological, the debate may linger. Yet let us not stagnate over which has dominance but may we look ahead to see more of what God has in store for us which is his Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. That’s our origin. That’s our destiny. Here and now.

Creation, Land, and Inheritance

The issue is not with land or inheritance but the heart of the people. Based on that scheme, there is no issue. Nations that have not God may prosper in the land they occupy and become greater and stronger but only in their own demise. 

Land to creation is like spirit to man. It is more than a component of. It is purpose to an idea and that purpose though subordinate, becomes chief when materializes in accordance to that idea. 

Man was to rule over the land along with all its inhabitants and resources. The fall though decayed man’s imperfect condition did not destroy God’s perfect creation. Inheritance on the other hand, is grace. Grace was the beat of the Lord’s heart for His chosen people. Although power finds its chosen and privilege fits its prince, precepts was policy to everlasting possibilities. 

The law and decrees were given to the chosen so they could remain choice for God and for all nations. From there comes the promised King. What God promises, God delivers. Beyond our time and of those in the wilderness, God had already orchestrated His promise during the time of the patriarchs and it was then He revealed His covenant as Father to all generations.  Blessings are from God’s hands, curses are in the very palm of ours. As chosen people with an inheritance, our choices matter.